We have heard the old adapt; “A day-dreamer”. Yes, there are, people who dream their dreams, but they never live their dreams. They speak of becoming, but they do nothing to become the persons they dreamt of becoming.

Unfulfilled dreams are like feathers being blown about in the wind, no sense of destination, nor purpose. Fulfilled dreams, on the other hand, is God’s declaration of the plans He has for your life. long before we were concieved in our mother’s womb.

Your dream might not yet be fulfilled, but it shall come to pass at the appointed time. Joseph, the Old Testament character referred to in the Book of Genesis chapter 37, had to wait 13 years from the time he dreamt of becoming great to the time he achieved greatness. From the time of the dream to the time of it being fulfilled can be a long time.

You might have only a few more years to live your dreams, belief in yourself is the key to you living your dreams.